Tries to find the the printer version of an article.
Tested on: NY Times, Salon, Washington Post, LA Times, The Guardian, The Economist*, SF Gate, and The New Yorker.
* May not work in all areas of the site.
Links Only v1.2 **
Shows only the links on a page. Includes a count of all the links.
Clean Read
Removes non article text from news sites like CNN, NYTimes, Washington Post and The will not work on all pages
Clean Read v1.2gh **
Same as above, but sets the column width to 400 pixels.
** Thanks to Ben Winslow rain @ bluecherry o net for sending in a Mozilla compatible version.
Zap v1.1
Removes underlines from links, images, iframes(these usually hold rich media ads).
Goes to a PDF file on a page, or will create a list of links to PDF's if more than one is on the page.
I have created these as something of an experiment in web design. How does eliminating or altering elements of a document affect its usability and design? They are not very useful, but may prove fun to some.
If you find any bugs or have an idea please email